What is Vente Privée?
It is a private club on line, which organize in exclusiveness for its member ship occasional sales of a different brands, with an important reduction around (30% off to 70% off), compared to the prices in the shop.
Members of Vente Privée, receive by mails regularly the invitation to the private sales, the advantage of this site that they can by directly on line without moving, products of a prestigious brands at prices which can go up to 70%. These sales are limited in time (from 2 to 4 days). The payment, entirely protected, takes place by bank card. The principal mode of adhesion to this Private Club passes by sponsorship...
Vente privée is created in 2001 just after crash Internet; it is the pioneer and site of reference of the sales deprived with nearly 2 million registered voters. The frequency of the sales is extremely high what justifies well its success. On average you can find 2 to 3 sales per day. The negative point : the delivery periods are long, on average 2 to 3 weeks but for reduction of more than 50% and you have 7 days to return the product if it is not appropriate to you.
Why prices are interesting in Vente Privée?
When brands don’t sale all the products as expected and have an important stocks of unsold goods, then call Vente Privée to buy these products with an interesting price in order to sale them again! This is why the products are sold off of 30 à.70% and can reach 90% of the value of origin.
What is the business model of vente privée?
As I said before this company is created at the end of 2000, the concept is simple: sale products with important discount, the range of products put on sale is very broad (cosmetics, clothes, equipments, electrical appliance…). available on the Web for a very short period (24 to 36 H), the site announces reductions from -30 to -70% (competitive prices),compared to the price of origin, which is posted for each article, as affirms Xavier Court, one of the cofounders of the site "In the facts, we are a discounter, but it is not the image that our customers have, because we invest enormously in the development of the product, mainly for a luxurious brands which we put on sale». The staff is 400 people, 120 work on development department of the brand. We have 18 studios photographs and videos, 45 Web-designer. Our site must be used as big screen to our brand-partners ". To reinforce this image, the site works like a private club, from which the access is accessible only by sponsorship from a member has already registered. The occasional sales are announced a few days in advance by a one minute (bande-annonce) which shows the products put on sale. If customers are interested, they must be registered to reach the sale which starts at 7.00 AM. For the famous brands like the Dupont pens for example, what happened that the site is saturated from the first minutes of sale. With more than 2, 5 member million and 1, 2 million customers, the profit is indeed considerable.
How does the model benefit?
The success of vente -privee.com is due to its partnership belonging to important brands en the market; those are the best customers or provider. These famous brands avoid to sale off their articles (articles not soled) on the Internet with the risk of seeing their image degraded forever. However they are attracted by the innovator concept of vente privée which buy these articles cheaper than their original price and presents them in esthetic image. In fact the company has eighteen photo studios, and work with a lot of a mannequins, graphic designers and professionals of the music in order to make the product more desirable. For instance, vente privée proposed 480 events in 2006 and aims at the thousand for 2008! The business model seems lucrative and profitable comparing other websites launched recently: 70 new only in 2006, but no one one of these competitors exceed some millions as a turnover.
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